My daddy is the best daddy ever. He never gets upset at me.
We do lots of things together, like drawing and playing games outside. But not when it's cold. He touches my nose when it's cold. It warms me up.
It's really, really, really cold here. And it smells funny.
Daddy smells nice. Except when he farts.
He takes me to soccer. He puts bandaids on me when I fall over at soccer. The grass is hard!
This bench is even harderer. I'm bored. I wanna see daddy!
He always makes me smile. He says, smile and the whole world smiles with you. I don't know what it means but it makes me happy.
Daddy never gets angry at me. He loves me. He told me! More than anyone else in the whole universe!
Heaps of other people are here. Heaps of strangers.
Daddy said not to talk to strangers. Stranger danger! He's so strong, he could beat them all up. He puts me on his shoulders so I can see Santa.
He's the best dad ever. I don't wanna wait any more. I wanna give him my Father's Day card. It has a funny looking man on it.
A man said daddy smoked the wrong thing. I didn't say anything 'coz daddy said not to talk to strangers. The man said daddy is behind bars. But I can't see any chocolate.
I like chocolate. Daddy used to give me chocolate. Then he'd wink and say not to tell mummy.
I miss daddy.
© 2010 Ben Safta